
AP Marine Environmental Consultancy Ltd specialises in providing scientific expertise and services supporting ecological monitoring and  assessment studies in fisheries, aquaculture and the marine environment. The firm is based in Cyprus but cooperates with a range of scientific experts from around the world. Our associate partners include Governmental Bodies, Research Institutes, Universities, NGO's, Private Companies and Private Researches.

  • Services

    AP Marine carries out research and provides consultancy services in a wide range of marine disciplines including aquaculture, fisheries, coastal mapping and coastal zone management...

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  • Scientific Team

    AP Marine was formed in 2003 and was the first company that provided marine consultancy services in Cyprus.  AP Marine's consultants are a well established team of marine scientists...

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A Joint programme for GES assessment on D11- noise in the Mediterranean Marine Region

The QUIETMED2 project aims to support Member States Competent Authorities in the Assessment of the extent to which GES on Descriptor 11 - Underwater noise has been achieved in the Mediterranean Region by providing practical outcomes to implement the new GES Decision through:

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Προκήρυξη θέσης μόνιμου συνεργάτη

Η AP Marine Environmental Consultancy Ltd, με έδρα την Λευκωσία, με μακροχρόνια εμπειρία στο πεδίο της έρευνας και της παροχής υπηρεσιών που αφορούν το θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον, την αλιεία και τις ιχθυοκαλλιέργειες, ανακοινώνει το ενδιαφέρον για πρόσληψη ατόμου για πλήρη αποσχόληση. Η θέση αφορά άτομα με εμπειρία σε θέματα αλιείας, συλλογής και ανάλυσης δεδομένων, δειγματοληψία επι σκάφους, αναγνώριση ιχθύων και αλιευτική βιολογία.

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