Contracting Authority: Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR), Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Recourses and environment, Cyprus.
Contractor: Consortium of AP Marine Environmental Consultancy Ltd and Hellenic Agricultural Organization - Demeter, Fisheries Research Institute.
Sampling Dates: 13-22/06/2016
The Objectives of the project is to estimate the abundance of benthic fishing reserves that live along the coasts of Cyprus. The sampling takes place in the frames of the European Regulation 1639/2001 as it was modified by regulation 1581/2004, about “establishment of system of collection of fishing data” and according to the work protocol of the International Mediterranean experimental sampling with bottom trawl (MEDITS), as it is described in the relative textbook. The bottom trawl and the length of wires that were used had the formal configuration that the program requires, while during the sampling, efforts were made so that the terms of use of the fishing tool to be observed.