Maria Patsalidou

Marine Biologist/Researcher
Maria works in AP Marine since 2011 as a Marine Biologist. She is a graduate of Marine Sciences department (BSc) combining academic background in biological applications with hands-on and problem solving skills acquired through research and scientific training. Maria has research experience as she worked on various projects concerning Cyprus Aquaculture and Fisheries monitoring, artificial reefs monitoring, database developing, marine species taxonomy and effects of algae (experimental study MSc Marine Biology thesis), EIA studies, experimental fish surveys (assemblage sampling and data collection), and other. 

- BSc in Marine Sciences University of Aegean, Greece
- MSc in Marine Biology University of Bangor, Wales
- MBA, University Of Nicosia, Cyprus

Professional and Academic Interests
- Aquaculture/Hatcheries 
- Ecological Habitat Assessment

Please feel free to contact me at: [email protected]